Soil Saver Composter Review

This Soil Saver Composter saves money by reducing curbside pickup and landfill waste. This garden composter will produce nutrient-rich organic soil to make your plants healthier.

Soil Saver Composter Features

  • Save up to 30% of household waste while saving money on curbside pickup costs.
  • Made from BPA-free, 100% recycled, environmentally-friendly material.
  • It comes with a large opening for easy access.
  • Well-constructed to produce and insulate heat.

Soil Saver Composter Description

Openings allow for air to move through the composter to speed up composting.

Also, there are two doors on top of the composter and one at the bottom to make adding material or removing the compost easier.

This is a well-constructed and sturdy composer.

The black color allows for heat to be retained, resulting in the moisture being regulated.

Just add your yard and kitchen waste to make compost for your garden.

The composter is available in both a 60-gallon and a 110-gallon size.

What we Liked Most about the Soil Saver Composter

We like that this composter is a good size to capture food scraps and yard clippings. The installation is straightforward and doesn’t take up a lot of room in the yard. Also, the lid seems to work very well and stays locked tight.

What we Did Not Like about the Soil Saver Composter

There is no bottom cover on this composter, so if you are concerned about critters getting into the composter, you might want to find a way to seal the bottom.

Information Link: Compost Bin

More about this Composter

Soil Saver ComposterThis composter produces nutrient-rich organic soil for healthier plants.

Help the environment while also helping your family save money when you use a composter.

The soil produced is natures’ own fertilizer and soil conditioner.

This composter will produce rich organic dark compost humus in four to six weeks from food scraps, kitchen, and garden waste.

Made of 100% recycled durable plastic.

The four sides are interchangeable making it easy to put together.

The black color absorbs and retains heat thereby enhancing the composting process.

The Perfect Compost Recipe Video:

Information Link: Compost Bin

Look at all The Great Composters!


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