Category: Composting Information

Posted in Composting Information

How To Compost In An Apartment

There are many different ways that you can compost in an apartment. There is worm composting as well as using small-sized composters and bins for your kitchen.

Composting Basics
Posted in Composting Information

Composting Basics for a Great Garden

Composting can help keep your garden plants healthy and vibrant. It’s a fascinating process and one that’s essential for a high yield, whether you’re planting flowers, herbs or vegetables.

Posted in Composting Information

How to Make a Compost Heap

For anyone who just wants to improve their current compost heap or for someone who wants to start a compost heap here is a list of what you need to do to prepare your compost.

See-Through Compost Container
Posted in Composting Information

See-Through Compost Container

The See-Through Compost Container has three aerated compartments that kids can view to see the entire decomposition process. They will be able to make side-by-side comparisons between different materials.